A Community of Christian Creatives
located in the Pacific Northwest
Storyboard is a physical place to meet Christian artists, musicians and writers,
to show creative work with redemption themes among a developing community.
We’re so glad you’re here.
Meet the Director
TIFFANY HOLDEN | Director is an awfully fancy title for the person tap-tapping these words at 10:47PM on a Wednesday night. I’m just a woman who loves the Lord and His church, who has tasted a bit of heaven at the intersection of faith, art, and community, and who wants to use my gifts to bring some of that wonder and connection to this corner of the Pacific Northwest.
I spent part of my childhood as a missionary kid in the Philippines, and have since put down roots in the much more drizzly Whatcom County. I have written multiple Christmas and Good Friday productions for churches and am involved at my Presbyterian (PCA) church. Before initiating Storyboard, I regularly hosted small tea parties, poetry reads, and art nights. I look for the beauty in the ordinary and everyday, and enjoy the simple blessings of a warm cup of coffee, reading middle grade fiction aloud, a hug from one of the kids that call me Auntie Mimi, and the peony blooms each spring.