Behind the Name
Storyboards are a planning document, and meant to be rough, changing, and developing.
Storyboards outline highlights and the throughlines of a story, or illustrate pieces of a cinematographer’s vision or plot points for a storyteller’s organization.
A storyboard is not the story; but it shows pieces of it.
As Christians, our rough, changing and developing creative work and service are but a small piece – an individual pixel, if you will – of our Creator’s grand design and great Story.
Storyboard: the conference is a place – under development – to showcase highlights and throughlines of God’s creative story through the intersection of faith and the arts.
Linocut by Mary Moore Rabb, at the 2024 Narnia Festival
What We Do
Digging into the faith that connects us, & sharing our creativity with others. Original liturgies and thoughtful prayers. Demonstrations of craftsmanship and hands-on workshops. Meeting other people who love the same things we do, and serve the same God we worship.
The Events: Assorted events focused on community and connecting with local Christian artists, writers and musicians. | Subscribe for updates
The Projects: Collaborations among our community, shared on social media and the newsletter | Sign up for our email list | Instagram | Facebook
Who This is For
Storyboard is a space for Christian creatives to connect around our shared faith, and share our creative works, words and ideas with others. If Jesus is Lord in your heart and you love His church, you will find your people here. (If you're curious, but a little unsure of all of this; if you're questioning and uncertain of what Christianity is all about but this draws you in, you are so very welcome.)
Storyboard events and publications are not a space for debating faith, the church, or moral topics. While we don’t assume everyone in attendance will hold exactly the same convictions on all issues, we presuppose general accord with the doctrines of the Protestant faith and adherence to orthodox stances on moral issues.
All presenters and attendees are invited to conduct themselves with grace and hospitality, ask questions with curiosity, and treat others as fellow image-bearers of the great Creator.